
Showing posts from October, 2019

Liver Health by Dr Priyanka Udawat

How Modern Medicine Has No Cure For Any Acute Viral Liver Infection and Liver Failure....... But With     ' ' Natural Healthy Lifestyle And Divine Diet "  these life threatening diseases can be   prevented and treated. Did you ever thought of following factors about liver health??? ✔ Did you Know child's liver is affected by contaminated water and food ???* ✔ What have pediatricians not been taught in their medical training about Liver  Health & Divine diet ?? ✔ Did you know thin individuals can also get fatty liver ??  ✔ Did you know in liver failure and cirrhosis survival is not possible without liver transplant ??? ✔ Do you know the connection between restless GUT and liver??? ✔ Do you know imbalance in immunity can cause autoimmune liver disease  ??? ✔ Do you know how natural supplements and divine diet  regenerate liver  ??? Liver Health by Dr Priyanka Udawat