“Five Simple Immune Boosting Strategies”

Healing Starts From Within

“Five Simple Immune Boosting Strategies”


1.      Focus on food: “Choosing whole, unprocessed foods does wonders for overall health.

                           Eat  balanced diet: Cereals, pulses, vegetables, salads, fruits, dry fruits                           
                           Prebiotics:  Green bananas
                           Vitamin-C rich foods: Lemon, oranges, broccoli and kiwi   
   Antioxidants :  Colorful fruits and vegetables including berries, carrots,      spinach, nuts and seeds
   Avoid excess fatty, fried , oily, packaged, processed food

2.      Lifestyle modification:  Protect yourself from stress and bolster your immune system with a few lifestyle changes

                              Adequate Sleep: Healing, rejuvenation
     Regular Meditation: Even five minutes a day of guided meditation, or simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breath, can make a difference
                              Daily Exercise
                             Timely meal planning and 10mts of relaxation after every 2hours of work

3.      Attitude is everything

             A positive mindset is vital for health and well-being:
                           Practice positive affirmations in night before sleep
                           Daily morning gratitude prayer
                           Schedule your daily plan : work, hobbies, creativity, new healthy food recipes

4.      Immunity boosting supplements

Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Vitamin B complex

5.      Maintain Healthy Digestion

                            Remember 70% immune system lies in gastrointestinal system
                            Take expert opinion if u are suffering from indigestion, gas, acidity, constipation and   diarrhea etc
                             Book your digestive restoration programme


Stay Safe---- Stay Healthy
Dr Priyanka Udawat


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